Monday, January 19, 2009

Bloggy Statement of Purpose

This is actually a statement of purpose that applies to everything and anything I write:

I Can Only Speak for Myself: Generalities are useful for some things, but seem to be rendered useless when attempting to achieve a thorough understanding of oneself. So, in writing, I speak only for myself, and in so doing, may perhaps happen to offer material that reader's may identify with in such a way that they are left better enabled to understand themselves and the world around them. Increasing and developing this "understanding" is the key to discovering, developing, and living the life that is optimal for each individual and, potentially, the life that benefits the world around us the most as well (symbiotically).

THAT said, I am starting this blog for several reasons.

One, through my Deelicious Dee I have gotten a glimpse of an interesting and intellectual online community of people that share their thoughts, ideas, just how their day went, what it all means, and respond and progress with each other. I would LOVE to be a part of that. Also, as anyone who knows me is aware of, I'm a busy philosophy student that is constantly writing and exploring new ideas. Any sort of feedback in any quantity is ALWAYS useful.

Because I am so busy, however, blogs outside of my school work will probably be somewhat rare. However, this term in my Intro to Queer Theory, we are writing a response paper each week to the class readings. These papers are very much in what I call "rant" format, perfect for a blog. Although most of my readers won't have read the articles I'm referring to, I think they have some interesting content independent from the readings. I will at least post these and perhaps other things that I would love to hear other people's thoughts on and/or that I think other people would find interesting.

So.... enjoy!


1 comment:

Soul Funk Goddess said...

OMFG!! you sound so...intellectual... when you write! O.O'

(haha, j/k) you're ALWAYS brilliantly fandazzling and blow me away with your bombastic stupendicity!


hug bug!! =)