Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Announcement: I am married!

Declaration of Marriage:

I have decided to announce that I am married!

Avec qui ? Pas qui, mais quoi !

This is a relationship that has been growing for several years. Technically you could say all my life.

Who’s heard of that good-ol’ Greek term hexis? Good luck trying to translate it. People have been arguing about it for as long as Aristotle’s work has been translated into different languages. What I take it to mean is an over-all stable disposition of living actively. To Aristotle, moral virtue is a hexis; one where the individual lives by active deliberation, lives conscious of the world and life around him/her as well as participating in introspection (as opposed to being oblivious, unconcerned, and/or ignorant of the majority of what is within and/or without the self). All these things result in the betterment of the individual. Knowledge and wisdom are acquired, virtues are strengthened, efficacy as an individual is improved both in the context of society and within the context of one’s personal abilities and goals.

I am married to my morally virtuous hexis.

For those of you who are unable to grasp what I mean by hexis:

I am married to my education.

Not just formal, socially structured education, as in going to school (that too though) but the over-all education (meaning gaining of knowledge, growth as a fluid ever-changing, ever-evolving individual).

As in every marriage, my relationship with this hexis, and my work to build a life with it, is and will always be my number one priority. This hexis will always come before all else. I will love, honor, cherish and protect this hexis, as I know it will love, honor, cherish, and protect me in return.

Due to the nature of this relationship, it must necessarily be polyamorous… not in the sense that I’ll be fucking hexis and other people, that’s just silly. But that other relationships of all shapes and sizes, the “with who” relationships, will be absolutely necessary. This is for two reasons: 1) Because not only is my hexis strengthened with the experiences of knowing other people with (and perhaps without) their own unique hexis, but that I hope to be able to experience this marriage with another individual, sharing the wonders of such a life with each other. And 2) because although this marriage will have an incredible impact on my life, it only gains significance if it is able to touch, in any way, more and more lives outside my own.

During my relationship so far with this hexis, I have already experienced how others can support, encourage, and benefit my adoration and devotion. I have also already, especially recently, experienced how my adoration and devotion has touched the lives of others: those that have come into my life long enough for them to at least be inspired, if not enabled to recognize their own “morally virtuous hexis,” and are motivated to find out just what happens when their potential, their passion, and their energy are put to good use together.

I have also discovered that there are people and situations that try and try and try to destroy my deep commitment. I don’t usually recognize the person or context as such right away. When I do, sometimes it’s as easy as recognizing it and changing my perspective, or turning on my ipod and not listening; sometimes it’s as difficult as breaking with someone whom you thought to be your best friend for years and whom you have loved whole-heartedly.

Long story short, as in any marriage, I must be selective in how I allow the world and the people therein to affect me and my relationship. Anyone who doesn’t understand and detracts from my commitment will be expelled from my life, as much as I can possibly judge them so. Anyone who at least tries to understand my undying love is welcome to join me in this adventure called life to see what we can find and figure out, learn and contribute together.

As many of you know, I recently got a new tattoo. This symbol is a mark of my commitment, devotion, and ability to remain everything I’ve just described.

Due to completely thorough socialization, I may even feel compelled to wear a ring on my left ring finger.

In the words of Dido:

“I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be”

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