Monday, February 2, 2009

Un Terme Important.. Euh.. in bugEnglish

Life noun.
The condition, quality, or fact of being a living organism; the condition that characterizes animals and plants (when alive) and distinguishes them from inanimate matter, being marked by a capacity for growth and development and by continued functional activity; the activities and phenomena by which this is manifested.


Passion noun.
A strong enthusiasm for a (specified) thing; and aim or object pursued with strong enthusiasm. Also, a strong barely controllable emotion [repeatedly referred to as even painful].
[these definitions come from my beloved Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Sixth Edition]


Life Passion noun.
A strong enthusiasm for the condition, quality, or fact of being a living organism, and all that that entails. Not merely the inclination to follow through with routine each day, but an ongoing awareness, curiosity and revelling of the beauty and/or potential in each aspect of each day. This is manifest in a theoretical burning ember in one's essence. Varying from a dim light to a blazing flame, this ember is vanquished only when one's life has ended. Does not seem to be present in every "living" human being.

1 comment:

Soul Funk Goddess said...

*blissful sigh*

i love this.

i love your definitions.

i love YOU!